Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The New Bedford High School - Schematic Design - Scheme 1

Scheme 1 is characterized by a 3 story form, taking advantage of the site grading to reduce the degree of site disruption and cut and fill re-grading. The community centre/gymnasium sector of the school is on the upper portion of the site and two stories tall, while the academic portions of the building are 3 stories tall and on the lower portion of the site.
This scheme is organized around a centralized atrium or gathering space and is surrounded by a very prominent cafetorium/visual arts component, the library and the administrative wing. The academic wings have widened corridor areas mostly recovered from 11 of the 20 small group rooms, which will function as flexible and collaborative learning spaces adjacent to the classrooms. The classrooms could open directly into these spaces (via movable doors). Some small component of the library could also be introduced into these spaces to complete the learning common analogy.
This school has a more organic form and would co-exist with the natural environment in a more sympathetic way. Due to the length and site requirements for this plan, 300 parking spaces are not easily achievable without eliminating almost all green space on the site.

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